Homemade Almond Milk

Blossom Lady
Jun 21, 2020 08:22 AM
Homemade Almond Milk

Almond milk is great for anyone who has a dairy intolerance, wants to cut out dairy or wants a lower calorie milk option. Almond milk is rich in Vitamin E and healthy fats, and some brands fortify their almond milk with vitamin D and calcium as well.

How to make it?

Follow these 3 easy steps to make a perfect nut milk at home – soaking, blending and straining.

Step 1. Soaking (optional): Place the raw almonds in a bowl and cover fully with water. Remember that almonds will absorb some water as they soak. Let them soak overnight, then drain and rinse them.

Step 2. Blending: Add the almonds to a blender along with 4 cups of cold water. If you’d like, you can add a splash of vanilla extract, a pinch of salt and a sweetener of your choice. Or you can keep it unsweetened. Turn the blender on high for 2 minutes and blend until it’s creamy and smooth.

Step 3. Straining: Use a nut-milk bag or cheesecloth to strain the almonds into a bowl. Then pour the almond milk into an airtight container and store it in the fridge.

Almond-Fig Milkshake

This is just one of many ways you can create unique creamy almond milk, using the basic recipe. The fig and almond combo is especially tasty. Try experimenting with different varieties of figs and nuts. Vary the amount of figs or add agave nectar to enhance sweetness.


6 dried figs

1 banana

1 cup almond milk

1. Place the figs in a bowl with 3 cups of water for 15 minutes. Add banana. Place the almonds in another bowl with a few cups of water for 15 minutes.

2. Drain the almonds, rinse well, and place in the blender. Add the fig soak water, but not the figs, to a blender with the almonds and blend well. Pour this mixture through a fine-mesh strainer, cheesecloth, or fine-mesh bag, saving the liquid in a bowl and discarding any almond meal left in the strainer. If using a fine-mesh strainer, use a spoon to swirl the meal around, which allows the milk to drain faster.

3. Return 1⁄2 to 1 cup of the milk to the blender and blend with the figs until creamy. Add the remaining milk, blend, and enjoy.


Replace the almonds and figs with your favorite nuts, seeds, and dried fruits. Some combinations to consider include Brazil nut–apricot milk, hemp-date milk, sunflower-raisin milk, or carob-mint-almond milk.

A highly refreshing beverage consists of placing some dried figs in a mason jar or water bottle and filling it with water. Over time, the water takes on a fig flavor. Bring along on a hike, and when you are finished drinking the water, you can feast on the plump figs. The fig water will last for 1 day if left unrefrigerated, and for 3 days if stored in the refrigerator.

Share your favorite milkshake flavor with me, I will be grateful! Enjoy!

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Jun 24, 2020 06:00 AM

For almond milk,  how much almonds do you soak?

Jun 24, 2020 07:01 AM

For almond milk,  how much almonds do you soak?

Hello! 1 usually take 1 cup of almonds (soaked in water for 4-6 hours beforehand) and 4 cups of water. I think it’s the perfect proportion.

Jun 25, 2020 06:25 AM

Hello! 1 usually take 1 cup of almonds (soaked in water for 4-6 hours beforehand) and 4 cups of water. I think it’s the perfect proportion.

Thank you so very much!  Have a Blessed Day!